Crocosmia, summer flowering bulbous plant

Crocosmia, summer bulb Crocosmia or Montbretia is a summer-flowering bulbous plant. Crocosmia blooms in the summer and comes in the colors orange-yellow to bright red. This flower fits well in a mixed border. It has fine flower spikes which continue flowering well into late summer. It also combines well with ornamental grasses. It is an airy “weaver”. Weaving plants can […]

More birds in your garden

How do you get more birds in the garden? Plant a tree How do you get more birds? Trees add height to your garden. After all, a garden is not flat. Trees and shrubs give your garden structure. When in autumn all plants go into winter mode, it is nice to see some trees and shrubs. Yew and box also […]

Selecting dahlia tubers

Dahlia is totally trendy They are very popular also with many young people because of the beautiful colors and shapes. Dahlias are trendy for use in vases but also in the garden. Select your dahlias now and plant them as soon as the chance of night frost has gone (early May). This summer you will have the most beautiful dahlias […]